Saturday, August 27, 2022

Stop, Drop and Write it Down

As I launch off the revival of my blog, I want to begin with just one notion.

 Your ideas are invaluable. You can't put a price on them, because you never know what they will blossom into as you develop them. Your idea could become the next bestselling novel, award-winning playwright, or chart-topping success on the Top-40 Radio station.

And they usually start with a draft that may not be impressive or groundbreaking at first glance. But we all had to start somewhere. Rome wasn't built in a day.

However, in the case that your daydreams or nightdreams or real life experiences strike you with divinely creative inspiration, realize that you've captured lightning in a bottle. Don't let it escape!

 Carry that notepad, recorder, sketchbook etc, and jot that idea down! Jot it down with the same urgency as if there was a fire, except the fire is not in the building, but in your mind!

You'll never know what that idea just might transform into.

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